Iacobus, de Cessolis

See: Jacobus, de Cessolis, active 1288-1322

Iahn, Otto

See: Jahn, Otto, 1813-1869

Iamblichus, 250?-330?

Ian, Janis, 1951-

Iankélévitch, S.

See: Jankélévitch, S. (Samuel), 1869-1951

Iarraidh, Gnathai Gan

See: Boyd, Ernest Augustus, 1887-1946

Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco

See: Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente, 1867-1928

Ibberson, Joseph E., 1917-

Ibn Ibrahim, Sulayman

See: Ben Ibrahim, Sliman

Ibn Rushd, Abul Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad

See: Averroës, 1126-1198

Ibn Tufayl, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik, 1105?-1185

Ibsen, Bergliot, 1869-1953

Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906

Ibsen, Sigurd, 1859-1930

Ichak, Frieda, 1879-1952


See: Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891

ICS (International Correspondence Schools)

See: International Correspondence Schools

Ide, Fannie Ogden

See: Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927

I. D. (John Dee)

See: Dee, John, 1527-1608

Idman, Niilo, 1889-1977

Iehan, de Vignay

See: Jean, de Vignay, 1284?-

Iellinek, Georg

See: Jellinek, Georg, 1851-1911

I. E. M.

Iewel, Iohn

See: Jewel, John, 1522-1571

Iffland, August Wilhelm, 1759-1814

I. F. M. (Isabella Fyvie Mayo)

See: Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914

Iglesias, Ignasi, 1871-1928

Ignacio, Cleto R.

Ignacio, de Loyola, Saint

See: Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556

Ignatius, Father, O.S.B., 1837-1908

Ignatius, Kyllikki, 1877-1951

Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556

Ignatius, Philaeretus

See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802


Ignotus, 1869-1949

Ignotus, Hugó

See: Ignotus, 1869-1949

Iisalo, Osmo

See: Railo, Eino, 1884-1948


See: International Joint Commission

I. J. Hochman's Yiddisher Orchester

Ikbol, Mukhammad, Sir

See: Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938

Iki-Kianto, Ilmari

See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970

Ikola, Jaakko, 1887-1951

Ikonen, Lauri, 1888-1966

Ilchester, Giles Stephen Holland Fox-Strangways, Earl of, 1874-1959

Iles, Francis

See: Berkeley, Anthony, 1893-1971

Iles, George, 1852-1942

Ilgenfritz, Alice

See: Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1905

Ilgen, William L. (William Lewis), 1862-

Ilić, Dragutin J., 1858-1926

Iliffe, Jane

See: West, Jane, 1758-1852

Iliowizi, Henry, 1850-1911

Ille-Beeg, Marie

See: Beeg, Marie, 1855-1927

Illica, Luigi, 1857-1919

Illingworth, Leslie Gilbert, 1902-1979

Illinois. Chicago Commission on Race Relations

See: Chicago Commission on Race Relations

Illinois. Department of Conservation

Illinois State Geological Survey

Illner, Richard

Ilmoni, W. F. (William Frithiof), 1880-1932

Ilmoni, Wikki


See: Kaari, Anna, 1903-1987


See: Hagfors, Elin

Imam Kassali

See: Ghazzali, 1058-1111

Imbert de Saint-Amand, 1834-1900

Imbert, Hugues, 1842-1905

Imbriani, Vittorio, 1840-1886


See: Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599

Immermann, Karl Leberecht, 1796-1840

Im, Pang, 1640-1724


See: Perkins, Nathan, 1748-1838

Imperial and Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry

See: K.K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie

Impivaara, Heikki

See: Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964

Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964

Impola, Heikki, 1887-1971

Impressed New Yorker

See: Stevenson, William G.

Inagaki, Manjiro, 1861-1908

Inayat Khan, 1882-1927

Inchbald, Mrs., 1753-1821

Inchfawn, Fay, 1880-1978

Inclán, Ramón del Valle

See: Valle-Inclán, Ramón del, 1866-1936


See: Trevelyan, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1807-1886

Indrajit, Bhagavanlal

Indriði Einarsson, 1851-1939

Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931

Ingalls, E. S. (Eleazer Stillman), 1820-1879

Ingalls, Sheffield, 1875-1937

Ingalls, Walter Renton, 1865-

Ing, Dean, 1931-2020

Ingelius, Axel Gabriel, 1822-1868

Ingelius, Gustaf Edvard

Ingelo, Nathaniel, 1621?-1683

Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897

Ingels, Graham, 1915-1991

Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, 1789-1862

Ingenheim, Luciano, conte di

See: Zùccoli, Luciano, 1868-1929

Ingenieros, José, 1877-1925

Ingersoll, Ernest, 1852-1946

Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899

Ingersoll, R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis), 1891-

Ingersoll, Will E. (William Ernest), 1879-1968

Ingerson, Frank

Inge, William Ralph, 1860-1954

Ingham, Frederic

See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909

Ingimundur Sveinsson, 1873-1926

Ingleby, C. M. (Clement Mansfield), 1823-1886

Ingleby, Leonard Cresswell, 1876-1923

Ingledew, Christopher James Davison, 1833-

Ingle, Edward, 1861-1924

Inglefield, Valentine Erskine, 1886-1947

Inglis, Antoinette, 1880-

Inglis, Frances Erskine

See: Calderón de la Barca, Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis), 1804?-1882

Inglis, Henry D. (Henry David), 1795-1835

Inglis, James, 1845-1908

Inglis, W. H.

Ingman, A. E. (Alfred Emil), 1860-1917

Ingman, Erik Aleksander

Ingman, Santeri

See: Ivalo, Santeri, 1866-1937

Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845

Ingpen, Roger, 1869?-1936

Ingraham, J. H. (Joseph Holt), 1809-1860

Ingraham, Prentiss, 1843-1904

Ingram, Arthur F. Winnington (Arthur Foley Winnington)

See: Winnington Ingram, Arthur F. (Arthur Foley), 1858-1946

Ingram, Eleanor M. (Eleanor Marie), 1886-1921

Ingram, J. (James), 1774-1850

Ingram, John Henry, 1842-1916

Ingram, Kenneth, 1882-1965

Ingram, Rex, 1892-1950

Ingram, William H., 1877-

  • Canada (English) (as Editor)

Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 1780-1867


See: Gray, Arthur, 1852-1940

Inhabitant, An Old

See: An Old Inhabitant

Inha, Into Konrad, 1865-1930

Inhülsen, Otto W. H., 1868-

Inman, Henry, 1837-1899

Inman, Herbert

Inman, Thomas, 1820-1876

Innes, Arthur D. (Arthur Donald), 1863-1938

Innes, A. Taylor (Alexander Taylor), 1833-1912

Innes, Cosmo, 1798-1874

Innes, John, 1863-1941

Innes, Luna May

See: Ennis, Luna May

Inostrantzev, Konstantin Aleksandrovich, 1876-1941

Inouye, Jukichi, 1862-1929

Institute of Arable Crops Research (Great Britain). Rothamsted Experimental Station

See: Rothamsted Experimental Station

Institute of Home Economics (U.S.)

Institute of Home Economics (U.S.). Human Nutrition Research Division

See: United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division

Institut international de bibliographie

See: International Institute of Bibliography

Inter-Allied Commission of Enquiry into Atrocities in Yalova and Guemlek

Interborough Rapid Transit Company

Intercollegiate Peace Association

Intercolonial Railway (Canada)

International Acceptance Bank

International Committee of the Red Cross

International Correspondence Schools

  • Escuelas Internacionales de la América Latina
  • ICS (International Correspondence Schools)
  • Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools
  • Hoisting Appliances (English)

Internationale Gemeinschaft Baha'ie

See: Bahá'í International Community

International Eugenics Congress (1st : 1912 : London)

International Institute of Bibliography

International Joint Commission

International Labour Office

International Meridian Conference (1884 : Washington, D.C.)

Inter-tribal Council of Louisiana

Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools

See: International Correspondence Schools

Introzzi, Gianpietro


See: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876

Invernizio, Carolina, 1851-1916

Inwards, Harry


See: Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 1862-1931

Iones, Inigo

See: Jones, Inigo, 1573-1652

Ionides, Cyril

Ionson, Ben

See: Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637

Ion, Theodore P.


See: Jordanes, active 6th century

Iorden, Edward

See: Jorden, Edward, 1569-1632

Iorga, Nicolae, 1871-1940

Iota (Mrs. Mannington Caffyn)

See: Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926

Iowa Press and Authors' Club

Iowa Telephone Company

See: Northwestern Bell Telephone Company


See: Yang, Erzeng, active 17th century

Ipolyi, Arnold, 1823-1886

Ippocrate (Physician)

See: Hippocrates, 460? BC-370? BC

Ippolito, di Roma, Antipope

See: Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?

Ipsen, Alfred, 1852-1922

Ipsen, Ludvig Sandöe

Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938

Irabi, Ahmad

See: Urabi, Ahmad, 1841?-1911

Iradier, Sebastián

See: Yradier, Sebastián, 1809-1865

Iraq Study Group (U.S.)

Irby, Augustus Henry

Irby, Richard, 1825-1902

Ireland, Alleyne, 1871-1951

Ireland, John, -1808

Ireland, John, 1838-1918

Ireland, John (Seaman)

Ireland, Mary E. (Mary Eliza), 1834-1927

Ireland, Michael

See: Figgis, Darrell, 1882-1925

Ireland. Ministry of Economic Affairs

Ireland, M. W. (Merritte Weber), 1867-1952

Ireland, Samuel, 1744-1800

Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835


See: Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885

Iriarte, Tomás de, 1750-1791

Iribas, Juan L.

Irish, Annie B.

Irish, Marie

Irles, Juan Villagonzalo


See: Gibson, George Herbert, 1846-1921

Iron Gray

See: Thomas, Abel C. (Abel Charles), 1807-1880

Iron, Ralph

See: Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920

Ironside, John

Ironside, Nestor

See: Croxall, Samuel, -1752

Irons, Lettie Artley

Irons, William J. (William Josiah), 1812-1883

Irvine, Alexander, 1863-1941

Irvine, Leigh H. (Leigh Hadley), 1863-1942

Irving, Fannie Belle

Irving, H. B. (Henry Brodribb), 1870-1919

Irving, Henry, Sir, 1838-1905

Irving, John Treat, 1812-1906

Irving, Washington, 1783-1859

Irvin, Rea, 1881-1972

Irvin, Violeta

See: Irwin, Violet, 1881-

Irvin, Wallace, 1876-1959

Irwin Brown, J. (John)

See: Brown, J. Irwin (John Irwin), 1858-1937

Irwin, H. J. (Henry Thomas Johnson)

See: Irwin, H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson), -1978

Irwin, H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson), -1978

Irwin, Inez Haynes

See: Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970

Irwin, M. (Madelaine)

Irwin, Muriel Stuart

See: Stuart, Muriel, 1889-1967

Irwin, Richard B. (Richard Biddle), 1839-1892

Irwin, Violet, 1881-

Irwin, Wallace, 1876-1959

Irwin, Will, 1873-1948

Irwin, William Henry

See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835

Irwin-Williams, Cynthia, 1936-1990

Isaac Pitman & Sons

Isaacsen, Adolph

Isaacs, Isaac

See: Scott, Temple, 1864-1939

Isaacs, Judd

See: Potter, I. J.

Isaacson, Lauren Ann, 1961-1986

Isabelle Sherrick, Fannie

See: Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle


See: Illinois State Geological Survey

Isham, Frederic Stewart, 1866-1922

Isham, Samuel, 1855-1914

Isings, J. H., 1884-1977

Isla, José Francisco de, 1703-1781

Islander, Ilmari

See: Jäämaa, Ilmari, 1888-1934

Isle-Adam, Auguste Villiers de L', comte de

See: Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Auguste, comte de, 1838-1889

Isle, June

Isler, M. (Meyer), 1807-1888

Isola, Antonia, 1876-

Israëls, Jozef, 1824-1911

Issler's Orchestra

Istrati, Panait, 1884-1935


See: Bettòli, Parmenio, 1835-1907

Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, 1775-1838

Itelson, Gregorius

Itkonen, Rieti, 1889-1951

Iuvenalis, Decimus Junius

See: Juvenal

Ivalo, Santeri, 1866-1937

Ivanowski, Sigismond de, 1875-1944

Ivens, W. G. (Walter George), 1871-

Ivers & Co.

See: M.J. Ivers & Co.

Ives, Charles, 1874-1954

Ives, F. T. (Franklin Titus), 1828-1910

Ives, George Burnham, 1856-1930

Ives, Herbert Eugene, 1882-1953

Ives, Sarah Noble, 1864-1944

Ives, William

See: Gaylord, Glance, 1847-1868

Ivie, Larry, 1936-2014

Ivimey, John W. (John William), 1868-

Ivimy, Alice M.

Ivins, Florence Wyman, 1881-1948

Ivoi, Paul d', 1856-1915

Ivory, P. V. E., 1883-1960

Ivray, Jehan d', 1861-1940

Iwado, Z. Tamotsu, 1891?-1946

Iwanowski, Aleksander

Iyenaga, T. (Toyokichi), 1862-1936

Iyer, A. Rama

See: Rama Iyer, A.

Izard, Forrest

Izumi Shikibu, 974?-